Sunday, December 2, 2007

Our Christmas concert is only a week away...............

We had Festival Choir practice yesterday and you could feel the excitement that we just have a week to go before the BIG day.

Of course I had my iPhone with me and took some pictures.

Tim showing us how to sit correctly and hold our music:

Some shots of the sections:

A family who sings together breaks bread together:

And these are my favorite photo's :

Tim in action. I know Tim for nearly 8 years and he used to dream of being a full time Music Director, he followed his dream and through courage and lots of prayer he is now living his dream. At last years Christmas concert, I just sat in awe looking at him in action as he directed all the different choirs and what a successful afternoon it was. This year I am singing in two of the choirs and for the last few weeks I have been too many hours to count  of practices but I leave each one with a refreshed soul. For a number of months this year I had stopped singing and Tim you have me back for good now!! 

I am back  at 3:30 this afternoon for the last Contemporary Choir practice and to sing at 5:30 mass. Wednesday night we are having a run through with the strings for the Festival Choir and Thursday we have the last practice for the Festival Choir. Tim is really putting us through our paces but we don't mind as we want it to be a success on Sunday to show him how much we appreciate the gift of music that  he gives to us every week.

PS Did I mention that he can also be a big pain in the rear :-)  but we still love him!!


I just remembered that Larry took some video that I have on YouTube of last years concert. 

And then I came across another little video that my Uncle Humphrey took of the last refrain of the recessional hymn at our wedding mass September 2006. Yes, Tim and a number of my other choir friends came all the way to Ireland to celebrate with us. My Irish friends are still talking about how wonderful the music was at the Mass.

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