Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Eoin

My baby brother Eoin turns 31 today. He was our Christmas present that year as he came home from the hospital on Christmas Day, the best gift we ever got. Here are some pictures of us over the years:

Hope you enjoy your gifts that we picked out when Dad was here for Thanksgiving. I would suggest ear plug for Mum and Dad but at night it will help you to drown out their snoring!
Happy Birthday, from your one and only to my one and only. 
Your big "little" sister,
PS Ok I will admit it. Eoin is 39 today and I am 40. 


I just came across this video taken in 2004  the last time I celebrated Eoin's birthday with him in Ireland:

1 comment:

Alice Gunther said...

Happy Birthday, Eoin!!!!

I so love the pictures of you when you were children--such beautiful Irish faces! Lovely!