Friday, March 14, 2008

More spring pictures.......

Yesterday at lunch time I took my camera to the corner of Ellis and Middlefield and took some pictures of the cherry blossoms. It was wonderful to spent some time just enjoying the wonder and joy of spring. Later in the day I also took some more pictures in our front yard which is really beginning to bloom with spring splendor. Here are a few of the pictures I took:

Here is a slideshow of all the photos I took - Click on "View all Images" to see them larger:


Ariella said...

They are just beauiful! The lighing mus have been wonderful yeserday becase you got the detail in the flowers and the cloudy sky. I love the last one the most. You have inspired me to take a walk with my camera,this weekend before the weather gets bad. Thank you for sharing.

Andrea Kanelopoulos - Anam Nostos House said...

SO Beautiful! I am so jealous! Ok, seriously going to try to get you some desert photo's...we are going to church at Gerry's Center Sun. and it is way out in the desert...will see if it doesn't rain :)

Junaid said...

niiiiiice pics .. the camera and the camera woman are both having a blast eh !