Monday, February 11, 2008

Sixth Day of Lent - Thought of the day

As it is the 150th Anniversary of the first apperance of Our Lady at Lourdes and it her feast day today, I had to use a prayer to her today:

The prayer is as follows:


O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
you are the refuge of sinners,
the health of the sick,
and the comfort of the afflicted.
You know my wants,
my troubles, my sufferings.
By your appearance at the Grotto of Lourdes
you made it a privileged sanctuary
where your favors are given to people
streaming to it from the whole world.
Over the years countless sufferers
have obtained the cure for their infirmities -
whether of soul, mind, or body.
Therefore I come to you
with limitless confidence
to implore your motherly intercession.
Obtain, O loving Mother,
the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for Your favors,
I will endeavor to imitate Your virtues,
that I may one day share in Your glory.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning. I just happened upon your blog this morning as I was looking for images/prayers for Our Lady of Lourdes and noticed the beautiful picture you have shown: Can you tell me where you got this image? I would like to order a copy and have it framed.
Thank you and God's blessings!
Dan -